A New Food Group?

If your house is anything like ours, dinner decisions can become stressful. Typically, when we come to a stalemate on options, I run straight to my Pinterest "Eat." board. It's a great recipe reminder box. This week, we embarked on an adventure per usual and enjoyed making and (thankfully) eating the following somewhat healthy meals:

Healthy Spinach Calzone courtesy of thehealthyfoodie.net.  Ingredients are, unfortunately, measured in grams, and we all know how much I like conversions. Luckily, we were cooking (not baking) and it's okay to add extra cheese! Who doesn't love that!  

Alas, we had more than just extra cheese.  I misunderstood how much dough the bakery gave us, and made only two (not four...or more?) calzones.  Pop those babies in the oven, and after 20 minutes, I think we had created a new food group. The oven top was threatening to catch fire to the beast.

No one complained (perhaps because our mouths were chock full of fresh baked bread!). 

We also made some substitutions: pulled rotisserie chicken instead of Tofu; purple onion instead of white, and omitted nutmeg (whoops!). Nonetheless,
it was completely delicious.

We also tried a White Chicken Chilli courtesy of "How To Simplify." It has been a yummy way to warm up from the cold week. I paired it with a classy bag of Lime-flavored tostitos, and ate it too quickly to take a photo. Here is a nice one from the original site.

Now, what are we going to make next week...?


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